Lindsay Lohan back on drugs and alcohol?

lindsay lohan drugs and alcohol
Lindsay Lohan
Supposedly Lindsay Lohan is back on drugs and alcohol, if you believe the information from TMZ. Accordingly, their whole team is behind her father Michael Lohan who was planning an intervention to persuade his daughter to relent.

Emails show that both their lawyers and their manager were on board. The emails were in the period of 23 September and 18 October (between Michael, Evan Hainey (Manager), Dave Feldman (media lawyer Shawn Holley and criminal defense) back and forth.

The family in the highly unpopular Papa Lohan wrote in late September at the above people that he has been informed by several people about his daughter would be between "one and a half bottles of vodka a day" drink. "I saw the empty bottles and even cocaine in her room at the Chateau."

"She takes AGAIN pills to keep her awake and to sleep! I also know that she has been drinking during their work to Liz and Dick, "it says in the most dramatic message to Lindsay's team. Then he asked them to get in the first week Lindsay to LA to start an intervention and stop "this madness".

Lindsay Lohan Rehab 2012

Lilo's manager replied that he had heard "the same things". Attorney Holley chimed in with, "Let us do it." On 18 October, so a few days ago, Michael sent an email to Evan, with a plan to confront Lindsay at her home in Beverly Hills. He should arrive first, before the rest of the band had appeared. That went wrong, however, belong. She let him purely night and called the police instead.

Lindsay Lohan reportedly wants to obtain a court a contact ban. Even her siblings Ali, Michael Jr. and Dakota stood with public Statements behind her sister. In summary, they said, more or less that her father was a liar and that he should stay out of their lives.

The pleasure he will not do them but because supposedly he now wants to reach even that she is under guardianship as well as Britney Spears.


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